उदासीपन तथा उसके उपचार

मैं एक psychiatrist होने के नाते बहुत ही साधारण बीमारी के बारे में बात करना चाहूँगा। आप सभी लोग आजकल एक महामारी के प्रचलन होने के कारण काफी परेशानी के दौर से गुजर रहे होंगे। सभी व्यक्ति एक असाधारण तथा अनिश्चितता के दौर से गुजर रहा है। साधारण लोग का सारा काम काज बंद हो … Read more

Things You Can Do To Overcome Depression

2020 There’s no specific reason of feeling depressed, different things can trigger depression. But, when you are in depression you feel like you will never be able to come out from the dark shadow of it. Nothing affects you anymore, you have lost interests in activities and your thoughts kill you from inside. Right from … Read more

Effective Tips to Eliminate Stress at Work

True that working professionals constantly live under the pressure of handling a number of projects. With this, they are distracted by a number of different elements like phone calls, emails, boss calls and others. So, amidst all this, having stress and sometimes even acute stress is not surprising. These days, people are constantly pushing themselves … Read more